Criticism and Biography/Autobiography Canadian Parliamentary Handbook Early Canadian Women Writers Series Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry |
Michelle Ferguson The Glorious Years Andrew Elliott Hockey Grampas Lisa McGuire, Cindy Thornton-Teti, Maria Arpino In Spite of All That Esther Paul Mon Cœur Palpitait Comme un Tambour Alice Blondin-Perrin, Rosaire Beauchesne The Other Side of Devotion Marie Donais Calder Other Side of Starvation Marie Donais Calder The Quickbeam Chronicles Ian Stauffer Wailing Whispers Sandra Bea Harries
Shelley Awad Camp Picton Boys Joanne Fralick Fall Fair Fun Linda Hamill, Karen Bannister Rosie Go Ducky, Go Linda Hamill Grandpa was a Ram Sherry Pringle, Jackson Pringle Hockey Dads Lisa McGuire, Cindy Thornton-Teti, Maria Arpino Hockey Grampas Lisa McGuire, Cindy Thornton-Teti, Maria Arpino Les Grand-Papas du Hockey Lisa McGuire, Cindy Thornton-Teti, Maria Arpino, Serge Schiller Little Copper Pennies for Kids Susan Harris Little Luella Ladybug Doesn't Give Up Marie Donais Calder, Jacqueline McClement Little Miss Muffet Isn't Frightened Anymore Marie Donais Calder, Jacqueline McClement My Strong Sturdy Scarecrows Linda Hamill Northern Reaches Heather Pyrcz Scarecrow Invasion Linda Hamill, Karen Bannister Rosie Spaniards' Treasure Jean Oben Cox, Daniel Borthwick
Linda Hamill, Betty Merrifield Northern Reaches Heather Pyrcz The Caves of Castleguard Heather Pyrcz
Barbara Reaume Sandre 1000 Mile Dream James A. Fontana All the Way Terry Keenleyside The Belvedere at Stone Gate Gloria Pearson-Vasey Bending Light Glenn Robitaille Braids of Time Ronda Knowles Connop Consider the Sunflowers Elma Schemenauer From Away Michelle Ferguson In a Spin Terry Keenleyside In Spite of All That Esther Paul Janet of Kootenay Evah McKowan, S. Leigh Matthews Joyful Journey to Massacre Island James A. Fontana Lost Paradise Molly Anne Warring Mary Melville, the Psychic Flora MacDonald Denison, Thomas Hodd The Medal Laurie Ness Gordon Mighty Orion Patricia A. Donahue Northern Reaches Heather Pyrcz On Mink Mountain Bill MacDonald Other Side of Adventure Marie Donais Calder The Other Side of Courage Marie Donais Calder The Other Side of Devotion Marie Donais Calder Other Side of Guilt Marie Donais Calder The Other Side of Isolation Marie Donais Calder Other Side of Reunion Marie Donais Calder Other Side of Starvation Marie Donais Calder Other Side of Tension Marie Donais Calder Other Side of Trepidation Marie Donais Calder Other Side of Trust Marie Donais Calder Paddy O'Neil's Trunk Peter Sullivan René Barbara Reaume Sandre Singing the Dawn Anne Kathleen McLaughlin A Social Departure Sara Jeannette Duncan, Linda Quirk, Cheryl Cundell, Gerald Lynch Stone Stairs and Steeple Bells Bill MacDonald The Caves of Castleguard Heather Pyrcz The Children of Michigan Street Michael E McCarthy The Leaf Cutter Michael Palmer The Quickbeam Chronicles Ian Stauffer The Return of Sandi O'Neil Stry-Ker of Paradise Acres Molly Anne Warring Wacousta: based on the novel by John Richardson Heather Kirk Why Here? Michelle Ferguson The Young May Moon Faye Hammill
Doug Carpenter, Gilles Renaud The Ancestors are Arranging Things Noreen Kruzich Be Not Afraid Heather Kirk The Glorious Years Andrew Elliott Grandpa was a Ram Sherry Pringle, Jackson Pringle Hearing More Voices Carole Gerson, Peggy Lynn Kelly, Sandra Campbell, S. Leigh Matthews How Parliament Works John Bejermi Is Your Arm Broken? Nicole Bear Mary Prince and Ashton Warner Molly Blyth, Michael Peterman Quest for the Thunderbird Nest Tim Yearington Seeking Peace Heather Kirk Smart Aging for Women Elizabeth Rigley A Social Departure Sara Jeannette Duncan, Linda Quirk, Cheryl Cundell, Gerald Lynch That Native Thing Tim Yearington The Adventures of Emma, Ellen, Emil, and I, and oh yes; Marko! Molly Anne Warring The Corduroy Road Michael Palmer The Ethical Command of the Cosmos Gretl Keren Fischer The Thirty-Nine Steps John Buchan, Michael Gnarowski Together Forever in the Clouds Marie Donais Calder Words from the Heart Sarah Bachand, Caroline Labrie, Alana Duncan, Leonid Fichman YesterCanada Elma Schemenauer The Young May Moon Faye Hammill
Terry Keenleyside
Marsha Barber Far and Near Margaret Mary Stickney Foster's Pond Don Gutteridge Glengarry Pastoral Douglas A. Fales Journal of Canadian Poetry Volume 30 for the Year 2013 David Staines Kaddish for My Mother Marsha Barber Love You To Pieces Marsha Barber
Doug Carpenter, Gilles Renaud Irish America Reawakening Deirdre McKiernan Hetzler Is Your Arm Broken? Nicole Bear Janet of Kootenay Evah McKowan, S. Leigh Matthews Mary Melville, the Psychic Flora MacDonald Denison, Thomas Hodd Mary Prince and Ashton Warner Molly Blyth, Michael Peterman Please Write Beth Pierce Robinson Quest for the Thunderbird Nest Tim Yearington A Social Departure Sara Jeannette Duncan, Linda Quirk, Cheryl Cundell, Gerald Lynch The Thirty-Nine Steps John Buchan, Michael Gnarowski
Evah McKowan, S. Leigh Matthews Mary Melville, the Psychic Flora MacDonald Denison, Thomas Hodd The Mountain and the Valley Marta Dvorak A Social Departure Sara Jeannette Duncan, Linda Quirk, Cheryl Cundell, Gerald Lynch
David Staines
Noreen Kruzich Mon Cœur Palpitait Comme un Tambour Alice Blondin-Perrin, Rosaire Beauchesne Quest for the Thunderbird Nest Tim Yearington That Native Thing Tim Yearington
Elma Schemenauer
John Bejermi Le fonctionnement du Parlement John Bejermi
Barbara Reaume Sandre 1000 Mile Dream James A. Fontana All the Way Terry Keenleyside Attentat à la bombe sur la Colline parlementaire James A. Fontana The Belvedere at Stone Gate Gloria Pearson-Vasey Bending Light Glenn Robitaille Braids of Time Ronda Knowles Connop Called to Egypt on the Back of the Wind Anne Kathleen McLaughlin Company Wife Helen Webster Consider the Sunflowers Elma Schemenauer Darius the Dragonfly and the Tadpole Race Linda Hamill, Betty Merrifield Fall Fair Fun Linda Hamill, Karen Bannister Rosie From Away Michelle Ferguson Go Ducky, Go Linda Hamill Happy-Go-Lucky Bill MacDonald Hockey Dads Lisa McGuire, Cindy Thornton-Teti, Maria Arpino Hockey Grampas Lisa McGuire, Cindy Thornton-Teti, Maria Arpino In a Spin Terry Keenleyside In Spite of All That Esther Paul Joyful Journey to Massacre Island James A. Fontana Les Grand-Papas du Hockey Lisa McGuire, Cindy Thornton-Teti, Maria Arpino, Serge Schiller Little Copper Pennies for Kids Susan Harris Little Miss Muffet Isn't Frightened Anymore Marie Donais Calder, Jacqueline McClement Lost Paradise Molly Anne Warring The Medal Laurie Ness Gordon Mighty Orion Patricia A. Donahue Mighty Orion Secrets Patricia A. Donahue The Mountain and the Valley Marta Dvorak My Strong Sturdy Scarecrows Linda Hamill On Mink Mountain Bill MacDonald Other Side of Adventure Marie Donais Calder The Other Side of Commitment Marie Donais Calder The Other Side of Courage Marie Donais Calder The Other Side of Devotion Marie Donais Calder Other Side of Farewell Marie Donais Calder Other Side of Guilt Marie Donais Calder The Other Side of Isolation Marie Donais Calder Other Side of Reunion Marie Donais Calder Other Side of Starvation Marie Donais Calder Other Side of Stranded Marie Donais Calder Other Side of Tension Marie Donais Calder Other Side of Trepidation Marie Donais Calder Other Side of Trust Marie Donais Calder Paddy O'Neil's Trunk Peter Sullivan Paris Into Dreams Kenneth Ross, Bertrand Celce, Lynda Rivington, Michèle Lejars René Barbara Reaume Sandre Scarecrow Invasion Linda Hamill, Karen Bannister Rosie Singing the Dawn Anne Kathleen McLaughlin Spaniards' Treasure Jean Oben Cox, Daniel Borthwick Stone Stairs and Steeple Bells Bill MacDonald The Caves of Castleguard Heather Pyrcz The Children of Michigan Street Michael E McCarthy THE DÚNS Gloria Pearson-Vasey The Leaf Cutter Michael Palmer The Other Side of Distraught Marie Donais Calder The Quickbeam Chronicles Ian Stauffer The Return of Sandi O'Neil Stry-Ker of Paradise Acres Molly Anne Warring Three Letters to Pine River Harold Griffin Trader's Son Helen Webster Under This Mantle of Snow Harold Griffin Wacousta: based on the novel by John Richardson Heather Kirk Wailing Whispers Sandra Bea Harries Why Here? Michelle Ferguson YesterCanada Elma Schemenauer The Young May Moon Faye Hammill
Barbara Lange Paris Into Dreams Kenneth Ross, Bertrand Celce, Lynda Rivington, Michèle Lejars Under This Mantle of Snow Harold Griffin YesterCanada Elma Schemenauer
Barbara Reaume Sandre Attentat à la bombe sur la Colline parlementaire James A. Fontana The Belvedere at Stone Gate Gloria Pearson-Vasey Called to Egypt on the Back of the Wind Anne Kathleen McLaughlin Darius the Dragonfly and the Tadpole Race Linda Hamill, Betty Merrifield Extraordinary Women, Extraordinary Times Sherry Pringle Fall Fair Fun Linda Hamill, Karen Bannister Rosie Far and Near Margaret Mary Stickney Foster's Pond Don Gutteridge From Away Michelle Ferguson Glengarry Pastoral Douglas A. Fales The Glorious Years Andrew Elliott Go Ducky, Go Linda Hamill Happy-Go-Lucky Bill MacDonald Hearing More Voices Carole Gerson, Peggy Lynn Kelly, Sandra Campbell, S. Leigh Matthews Hockey Grampas Lisa McGuire, Cindy Thornton-Teti, Maria Arpino How Parliament Works John Bejermi In a Spin Terry Keenleyside In Praise of Uncertainty Glenn Robitaille In Spite of All That Esther Paul Is Your Arm Broken? Nicole Bear Janet of Kootenay Evah McKowan, S. Leigh Matthews Le fonctionnement du Parlement John Bejermi Les Grand-Papas du Hockey Lisa McGuire, Cindy Thornton-Teti, Maria Arpino, Serge Schiller Little Copper Pennies Susan Harris Little Copper Pennies for Kids Susan Harris Little Miss Muffet Isn't Frightened Anymore Marie Donais Calder, Jacqueline McClement Lost Paradise Molly Anne Warring Míle Míle i gCéin Danny Doyle Mary Melville, the Psychic Flora MacDonald Denison, Thomas Hodd Mary Prince and Ashton Warner Molly Blyth, Michael Peterman Memories of the Moonlight Special and Grand Beach Train Era Barbara Lange Mighty Orion Patricia A. Donahue Mighty Orion Secrets Patricia A. Donahue Mon Cœur Palpitait Comme un Tambour Alice Blondin-Perrin, Rosaire Beauchesne The Mountain and the Valley Marta Dvorak My Strong Sturdy Scarecrows Linda Hamill On Mink Mountain Bill MacDonald The Other Side of Commitment Marie Donais Calder The Other Side of Courage Marie Donais Calder The Other Side of Devotion Marie Donais Calder Other Side of Farewell Marie Donais Calder Other Side of Guilt Marie Donais Calder The Other Side of Isolation Marie Donais Calder Other Side of Reunion Marie Donais Calder Other Side of Starvation Marie Donais Calder Other Side of Tension Marie Donais Calder Paris Into Dreams Kenneth Ross, Bertrand Celce, Lynda Rivington, Michèle Lejars Please Write Beth Pierce Robinson René Barbara Reaume Sandre Scarecrow Invasion Linda Hamill, Karen Bannister Rosie Singing the Dawn Anne Kathleen McLaughlin A Social Departure Sara Jeannette Duncan, Linda Quirk, Cheryl Cundell, Gerald Lynch Spaniards' Treasure Jean Oben Cox, Daniel Borthwick Stone Stairs and Steeple Bells Bill MacDonald THE DÚNS Gloria Pearson-Vasey The Leaf Cutter Michael Palmer The Other Side of Distraught Marie Donais Calder The Quickbeam Chronicles Ian Stauffer The Return of Sandi O'Neil Stry-Ker of Paradise Acres Molly Anne Warring The Thirty-Nine Steps John Buchan, Michael Gnarowski Wailing Whispers Sandra Bea Harries Words from the Heart Sarah Bachand, Caroline Labrie, Alana Duncan, Leonid Fichman The Young May Moon Faye Hammill
Danny Doyle Mon Cœur Palpitait Comme un Tambour Alice Blondin-Perrin, Rosaire Beauchesne That Native Thing Tim Yearington
Carole Gerson, Peggy Lynn Kelly, Sandra Campbell, S. Leigh Matthews Janet of Kootenay Evah McKowan, S. Leigh Matthews Mary Melville, the Psychic Flora MacDonald Denison, Thomas Hodd Mary Prince and Ashton Warner Molly Blyth, Michael Peterman The Young May Moon Faye Hammill
Noreen Kruzich Mary Prince and Ashton Warner Molly Blyth, Michael Peterman Mon Cœur Palpitait Comme un Tambour Alice Blondin-Perrin, Rosaire Beauchesne Porcupine Quills and Northern Lights / Piquants de porc-épic et aurores boréales Sister Panels Quest for the Thunderbird Nest Tim Yearington That Native Thing Tim Yearington
Noreen Kruzich Attentat à la bombe sur la Colline parlementaire James A. Fontana Be Not Afraid Heather Kirk Called to Egypt on the Back of the Wind Anne Kathleen McLaughlin Company Wife Helen Webster Extraordinary Women, Extraordinary Times Sherry Pringle The Glorious Years Andrew Elliott Irish America Reawakening Deirdre McKiernan Hetzler Joyful Journey to Massacre Island James A. Fontana Little Copper Pennies Susan Harris Little Copper Pennies for Kids Susan Harris Míle Míle i gCéin Danny Doyle Memories of the Moonlight Special and Grand Beach Train Era Barbara Lange Mon Cœur Palpitait Comme un Tambour Alice Blondin-Perrin, Rosaire Beauchesne The Other Side of Commitment Marie Donais Calder The Other Side of Courage Marie Donais Calder The Other Side of Devotion Marie Donais Calder Other Side of Guilt Marie Donais Calder The Other Side of Isolation Marie Donais Calder Other Side of Starvation Marie Donais Calder Other Side of Tension Marie Donais Calder Other Side of Trepidation Marie Donais Calder Other Side of Trust Marie Donais Calder Please Write Beth Pierce Robinson René Barbara Reaume Sandre Seeking Peace Heather Kirk Spaniards' Treasure Jean Oben Cox, Daniel Borthwick The Leaf Cutter Michael Palmer The Other Side of Distraught Marie Donais Calder Together Forever in the Clouds Marie Donais Calder Wailing Whispers Sandra Bea Harries
Nicole Bear Smart Aging for Women Elizabeth Rigley Words from the Heart Sarah Bachand, Caroline Labrie, Alana Duncan, Leonid Fichman
Marta Dvorak A Social Departure Sara Duncan, Linda Quirk, Cheryl Cundell, Gerald Lynch
Evah McKowan, S. Matthews Mary Prince and Ashton Warner Molly Blyth, Michael Peterman Mary Melville, the Psychic Flora Denison, Thomas Hodd Hearing More Voices Carole Gerson, Peggy Kelly, Sandra Campbell, S. Matthews The Young May Moon Faye Hammill
Lisa McGuire, Cindy Thornton-Teti, Maria Arpino Hockey Dads Lisa McGuire, Cindy Thornton-Teti, Maria Arpino Les Grand-Papas du Hockey Lisa McGuire, Cindy Thornton-Teti, Maria Arpino, Serge Schiller
David Staines
Patricia Donahue
Marie Calder Other Side of Starvation Marie Calder The Other Side of Courage Marie Calder The Other Side of Commitment Marie Calder The Other Side of Isolation Marie Calder Other Side of Guilt Marie Calder Other Side of Trepidation Marie Calder Other Side of Trust Marie Calder The Other Side of Distraught Marie Calder Other Side of Adventure Marie Calder Other Side of Stranded Marie Calder Other Side of Tension Marie Calder Other Side of Farewell Marie Calder Other Side of Reunion Marie Calder
Ian Stauffer
Barbara Sandre
Heather Pyrcz Northern Reaches Heather Pyrcz
Molly Warring |