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Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry
Once a Patricia: memoirs of a junior infantry officer in World War II Written by C Sydney Frost

576 pages, Paperback ISBN: 9780888872920 $29.95 CA
About the Book
Once a Patricia is a gripping personal account about The Second World War. From The Royal Military College, Wartime Training Centres, through Sicily and Italy with the Eighth Army, and finally to Holland, Sydney Frost brings together a fascinating and absorbing story. He tells it exactly ´as it was´ and we see what it all meant -at the time- to this gallant young officer. With sensitivity and perception he records the gamut of emotions through courage to sorrow to triumph that became the reality of a fighting soldier's life. And through it all runs the consuming passion for his Regiment- his home. His autobiography will be invaluable to historians but will relate to his story. It will equally be of value to those of a younger generation who seek wider knowledge of Canada's part in one of the great struggles of out time.
Cameron Ware (MGen C.B. Ware, DSO, CD)
former Colonel-of-the-Regiment
Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry
"The telling of his tale in the first person, and his retrospective glances bring poignancy, relevance, humour, fright, pain and pleasure into balance. The result is a story that veterans, seving soldiers and citizens will find entertaining, instructive and perceptive."
MGen. H.C Pitts, MC, CD
Colonel Commandant
Canadian Infantry
Colonel Frost's Once a Patricia is one of the best autobiographies to come out of the Second World War. This book shows us the campaigns in Italy and North-West Europe through the eyes of an Infrantry junior officer, and the result is both vivid and compelling. Once a Patricia is in the same class as Robert Graves'Goodbye to All That or Siegfried Sassoon's Memoirs of an Infantry Officer.
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