Other Side of Reunion Written by Marie Donais Calder

264 pages, Paperback ISBN: 9780888877208 $19.95 CA
About the Book
Johann doesn't know how to find the joy in life in Eddie's absence. His world is shrouded in sadness. There is only one place he can go to in order to find even a shred of comfort. But then the Polish return reigniting terror within him and his family.
Ed is finally home with Frances and their three little boys so why is he feeling so deatached from life? What can he do to reclaim his life? Who can he talk to? Just when he begins to feel a sense of normalcy, devastating news about a plane crash near Estevan, Saskatchewan sends him into a downward emotional spiral.
Other Side of Farewell Written by Marie Donais Calder

248 pages, ISBN: 9780888877062 $19.95 CA
About the Book
Pain and sadness shrouds the lives of Ed, Shorty and the German family. A note in his dresser drawer starkly reveals Shorty´s chaotic state of mind. His friends desperately want to help him but they can´t figure out how. Shorty isn´t the only one nearing his breaking point. George and Earl are shocked by Ed´s reaction to his unbearable sadness and they beg him not to do it.
Meanwhile, back in Canada, the excitement is building as Frances receives a delightful and surprising birthday gift.
Other Side of Tension Written by Marie Donais Calder

247 pages, Paperback ISBN: 9780888877048 $19.95 CA
About the Book
Tensions escalate for the Canadians because of one cold-hearted person. Ed and his friends, therefore, dare not spend time with Johann, Karla and the others they've become so close to. Finally Ed reaches his breaking point and stands up to this superior officer. What will the consequences be for him? Will he be transferred to another troop? Will he be kept in Germany and away from his wife and three little boys indefinitely?
Other Side of Stranded Written by Marie Donais Calder

248 pages, ISBN: 9780888876942 $19.95 CA
About the Book
What is happening at Pier 21 in Halifax? Will prejudice prevail? The Captain of the Letitia has no authority at Pier 21 but he demands to have the issue resolved. Will SharonÕs war bride friends be forced to leave her behind?
Ed is receiving hints but he does not feel he can share them with his wife. In the meantime his wife, Frances feels she needs Ed by her side now more than ever. She wonders how much longer she can manage without him.
Johann realizes he must face the powerful fear he continues to have of his brother.
Other Side of Adventure Written by Marie Donais Calder

237 pages, ISBN: 9780888876898 $19.95 CA
About the Book
Was it an adventure or a nightmare she was embarking upon? She had never been so alone – not even during the horrible war that had just ended.
Ed is helpless to stop his brother, back in Canada, from putting Frances in an impossible situation.
Who stole Ed´s notes on the vehicle reparations in Germany? Why would anybody even want them?
Will Karla agree to start the process to move to Canada?
Other Side of Turmoil Written by Marie Donais Calder

260 pages, ISBN: 9780888876751 $19.95 CA
About the Book
Who is preventing Earl's wife from receiving a boarding pass to sail to Canada? Ed, his friends and their General are determined to find the answer. But what if the problem lies with Immigration Canada? Can a group of mechanics challenge this powerful organization and win?
The brutality of war did not end with the signing of the Peace Treaty. Sharon meets someone who brings the harshness of life after the war to the forefront.
George is under a tremendous amount of stress. Ed is worried sick about him.
The Other Side of Distraught Written by Marie Donais Calder

232 pages, Paperback ISBN: 9780888876584 $19.95 CA
About the Book
Someone is no longer safe in her homeland due to the heating up of the Cold War. She must flee. Her husband is distraught and considers doing the unthinkable. Hopefully his actions provoke the readers to fathom the depth of the sacrifices made by those who serve us.
Frances's life has become just slightly easier but at what cost?
The Other Side of Deception Written by Marie Donais Calder

246 pages, Paperback ISBN: 9780888876331 $19.95 CA
About the Book
The Other Side of Deception is the eighteenth novel in the Other Side series. The Canadians and their friends have been deceived once. Surely it wonÕt happen a second time. Or will it?
Johann goes on his first journey outside of his own city. He has his hands full with Shorty and his short fuse when things go awry. Can Johann settle him down in EddieÕs absence? Ed's wife, Frances realizes she must find a way to gain control over her strong-minded little boy before itÕs too late.
Other Side of Trust Written by Marie Donais Calder

246 pages, ISBN: 9780888876157 $19.95 CA
About the Book
The Other Side of Trust is the seventeenth novel in the Other Side series. This action packed novel centers around the matter of trust. The General has arrived at the railway car barracks and must determine who is trustworthy. To make matters worse, two of his soldiers have gone missing. The search for these men results in a surprising twist. Ed's wife, Frances is facing an unsettling dilemma. She needs to confer with her husband but that is only possible with pen and paper. She fears the decision she must make in his absence will cause her and her sons grief – no matter which choice she makes.
Other Side of Trepidation Written by Marie Donais Calder

244 pages, ISBN: 9780888875990 $19.95 CA
About the Book
The Other Side of Trepidation is the sixteenth novel in the Other Side series. Sarge has a surprise visitor who brings him unsettling news, especially in light of the lengthy absence of Ed and five of his fellow soldiers. They had only gone to find a little girl. That shouldn't have posed a problem—should it? Ed's wife, Frances, is struggling on her own to provide the bare necessities for her family. Broken eggs equate to a broken spirit. Will she have to swallow her pride?
Other Side of Guilt Written by Marie Donais Calder

232 pages, ISBN: 9780888875716 $19.95 CA
About the Book
So much has happened in such a short time that Johann feels like his world is caving in on him. He wishes Eddie could comfort him but someone else needs his friend even more.
Others are overcome with feelings of guilt, but a child is able to ease their troubled minds. This child warms our hearts with her innocence and her unusual sense of wisdom.
Meanwhile back in Canada, EdÕs wife, Frances, discovers the heavy burden her five-year-old son has been carrying.
The Other Side of Isolation Written by Marie Donais Calder

233 pages, Paperback ISBN: 9780888875358 $19.95 CA
About the Book
The Other Side Of Isolation is the fourteenth book in the Other Side series. Tempers are flaring at the Canadian barracks as time drags on overseas. The men are feeling isolated from their families and the world. They have very little access to news of the outside world. This is incomprehensible to us as we live in a society whereby we have instant access to information literally at our fingertips. The soldiers wonder where the music gone to in their lives.
Suspense is heightened when a man is discovered lying on the ground behind the Canadian barracks close to the cross that marks the children's grave. Johann's puppy, Hundy, races over to the empty children's sleeping car and does something he never does – he barks. We soon discover what has the little puppy so upset.
We learn details of a couple of the thwarted attempts on Adolf Hitler's life. It is truly uncanny how this madman seemed to sense imminent danger in each case. This begs the question: How would the world be different if one of these early attempts to assassinate Hitler would have been successful?
The Other Side of Commitment Written by Marie Donais Calder

244 pages, Paperback ISBN: 9780888875211 $19.95 CA
About the Book
There is trouble brewing at Ed's base. Who are these renegades? Where are they from?
A day at the markets highlights the desperation felt by the folks in Germany: the value of a chocolate bar is phenomenal. Ed attends a wedding which ends with an overwhelming surprise.
What does the future hold for the German family, the Canadian soldiers and their families back home? Life is difficult but it's the uncertainties that intensify the stress. Johann would remind us to think positive thoughts.
The Other Side of Courage Written by Marie Donais Calder

241 pages, Paperback ISBN: 9780888875129 $19.95 CA
About the Book
The Other Side Of Courage heightens the reader's awareness of the plight of the orphaned children in Germany in the aftermath of the Second World War. We come to know a seven-year-old girl who has much to teach us; listen carefully to Rachel's words of wisdom. Her life has been horrific yet she still knows how to trust.
Arthur is still missing. Surely we will hear news of him-or will we?
The Other Side of Liberation Written by Marie Donais Calder

240 pages, Paperback ISBN: 9780888874931 $19.95 CA
About the Book
The Other Side of Liberation , the 11th book in the Other Side series, explores the plight of children whose families perished before their eyes. Who was left to care for these orphans? Our hearts break as their struggles are gently brought to light.
This novel also recounts the relationship between a little Dutch boy (Jack Van Vaals) and a Canadian soldier (Clifford Schnell) during the liberation of the Netherlands. Several decades later the Van Vaals family found Clifford. The families remain friends to this day.
Other Side of Starvation Written by Marie Donais Calder

0 pages, ISBN: $13.95 CA 
235 pages, Paperback ISBN: 9780888874771 $19.95 CA
About the Book
The Other Side of Starvation reveals the reality of life in Germany in the aftermath of the Second World War. Millions of people died of starvation, not only in Germany but also in other countries ravaged by war. However, there was one major difference between the reasons for the deaths in Germany and those in other countries.
Johann's family's stash is dwindling- there is a theif in the area. Will this culprit be apprehended before everything is gone? How will the missing goods affect the family?
The Other Side of Devotion Written by Marie Donais Calder

258 pages, Paperback ISBN: 9780888874504 $19.95 CA
About the Book
This ninth novel in the Other Side series highlights the devotion of those in Germany who remain by Eddie's side during grim times. Thankfully, he is unaware that his future is in jeopardy.
An army friend of Eddie's visits Frances and the children. He has unsettling news of an atrocious act carried out by the Allies at the end of the war.
Frau Berg finally learns of the fate of her freind, Herr Keller. She must make a heart-wrenching decision. Oh, what should she do?
Other Side of Rescue Written by Marie Donais Calder

0 pages, ISBN: $13.95 CA 
220 pages, Paperback ISBN: 9780888874153 $19.95 CA
About the Book
The Other Side of Rescue is a touching tale filled with suspense. The leader of the rebellious faction in Germany has eluded even the mighty mission leader. However, an unlikely candidate comes face to face with the mad rebel leader. Who will be the victor? Meanwhile Eddie's wife, Frances, is forced to face some unsettling facts about her health. And then there's Frau Berg, who is completely unconsolable.
Other Side of Capture Written by Marie Donais Calder

0 pages, ISBN: $13.95 CA 
213 pages, Paperback ISBN: 9780888874160 $19.95 CA
About the Book
The Other Side of Capture is the seventh novel in The Other Side series. The rebel leader is still at large. The Canadian army is determined to capture him and rescue his captives. A woman's hand drops an envelope, addressed to Frau Berg, in front of Eddie and Shorty. Frustration builds as Frau Berg refuses to reveal critical information that would facilitate the capture of the rebel leader. In the meantime, Ed's wife, Frances, is dealing with an accident involving one of their little sons. She needs her husband but currently he is available to no one.
Other Side of Rebellion Written by Marie Donais Calder

0 pages, ISBN: $13.95 CA 
217 pages, Paperback ISBN: 9780888874146 $19.95 CA
About the Book
The Other Side of Rebellion is a dramatic account of the rebellious faction in Germany who still harboured hope that their leader was alive and would return to power in Germany. They would triumph over the Allies.
Earl is still missing. The family is in grave danger. So are Eddie and his regiment. Allied reinforcements were brought in to try to stop the rebellion. In the meantime, Ed's wife, Frances, is trying to raise their three little boys while dealing with a shell shocked family member.
Other Side of Torn Written by Marie Donais Calder

0 pages, ISBN: $13.95 CA 
221 pages, Paperback ISBN: 9780888874108 $19.95 CA
About the Book
Eddie has dedicated his life to the Schmidt family since arriving in Germany six months ago. He thinks his wife and three little sons back home are free of danger. Little does he know that his wife is facing stressful and dramatic challenges in his absence. Eddie must make a decision that will impact both families. In fact, it forces him, in a sense, to choose between the two families. He is torn by his predicament. To this day I believe he made the right choice.
Other Side of Trauma Written by Marie Donais Calder

202 pages, Paperback ISBN: 9780888874092 $19.95 CA
About the Book
The Other Side of Trauma is the fourth book in the series. This novel centers on the condition known as shell shock in the world wars era. We now call this condition Post Traumatic Stress Disorder – PTSD. Unlike the victims suffering from this condition in the first half of the twentieth century, today´s victims are understood and treated. The Other Side of Trauma takes us down the uphill and winding road to recovery. We feel Eddie´s pain as he devotes himself to helping the Schmidt family get through this latest family tragedy.
Other Side of Pain Written by Marie Donais Calder

0 pages, ISBN: $13.95 CA 
220 pages, Paperback ISBN: 9780888874085 $19.95 CA
About the Book
In The Other Side of Pain, the third novel in this series, Eddie continues to help the German family deal with their wartime traumas. One of their sons returns from his army service in a war that he and his family did not support. The men from his family did not volunteer to serve Hitler. However, if they refused, their loved ones would most certainly be killed by Hitler´s hit men. That is how Hitler ruled - with fear. The Other Side of Pain is filled with tension. It portrays physical and emotional pain the German family and Eddie faced in the aftermath of the Second World War.
Other Side of Fear Written by Marie Donais Calder

0 pages, ISBN: $13.95 CA 
220 pages, Paperback ISBN: 9780888874061 $19.95 CA
About the Book
Eddie´s relationship with the Schmidt family continues. Eddie sees and deals the powerful fears the family faces every day of their lives. This first sequel to The Other Side of War is filled with tension as the family is plagued by signs of a retrn of the Polish element. We learn more about the war, forcing the family to live in a hole in the ground in their own backyard. The family went to great lengths to avoid detection by these brutal officers. The Canadian soldiers have little combat training since they were the mechanical engineers yet they find themselves embroiled in a tense battle with some of Stalin´s most successful thugs. As the story unfolds we find that Johann can face his overwhelming fear when he realizes Eddie´s life is in danger. The protected becomes the protector.
Other Side of War Written by Marie Donais Calder

0 pages, ISBN: $13.95 CA 
225 pages, Paperback ISBN: 9780888873941 $19.95 CA
About the Book
In a 1998 visit to Germany my Mother was told, "It´s by way of Eddie that we were to be fed." Eddie, my Dad, served in the Canadian Occupation Force in Germany for one year following the Second World War. My Mom was back home in Saskatchewan caring for their three little sons. Soon after arriving in enemy territory, Eddie met ten-year-old Johann. Unlike so many others, Dad didn´t view Johann as a Nazi. He was just a starving little boy. This story illustrates how one man and one family rose above the vile hatred caused by war. It highlights the best of humanity -
even between enemies.