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Abuse of Power
Rebels, Royalists and Railroaders

Written by
Bill Smallwood

Cover of Rebels, Royalists and Railroaders
386 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 9780888873385
$19.95 CA

About the Book

   Rebels, Royalists and Railroaders is the sixth book in the Canadian historical adventure series Abuse of Power by Bill Smallwood.

The Story: Differences of opinion rend the fabric of a family in 1770´s where one man raises his sons to support the English King´s Party while his cousin raises a regiment to fight the British soldiers in America.

In the next century, the New Brunswick branch of the family suffers differing opinions on virtually everthing:

1870. "We are not vassals to a backwoods capital. How long will let Canada such us dry, destroy our beloved Country?"

1890. "People who live by the sea know that the Empire is important. They see the seas as the road joining all parts of the Empire - keeping it together. They sail their beautiful ships on those roads."

1890. "We build railroads. We drive our big, beautiful steam engines along the island roads, joining all the parts Canada."

See how they resolve their differences and create a country.

Expulsion and Survival

Written by
Bill Smallwood

Cover of Expulsion and Survival
376 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 9780888873286
$19.95 CA

About the Book

"Expulsion and Survival" is the fifth volume in the Abuse of Power series by Bill Smallwood. French Irregulars (mostly Acadians and Indians), who had been fighting the British in support of Fortress Louisbourg, had fled across the Bras D'Or Lakes to escape capture. Two of the fugitives sought shelter on ële Saint Jean (now Prince Edward Island) hoping that the British would not come, but the British came. The fugitives, Robert Cameron and Reine LeBlanc, managed to escape the second expulsion of the Acadians by hiding in the backwoods where they believed they could live unnoticed by the conquerors. Unfortunately, the Proprietor System of Land Ownership, established by the English in 1768 and not annulled until after Prince Edward Island joined the Canadian Confederation in 1870, was all encompassing; the squatters were discovered. The story of their survival is compelling.

Abuse of Power 4: the Planters

Written by
Bill Smallwood

Cover of Abuse of Power 4: the Planters
338 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 9780888872814
$19.95 CA

About the Book

   William Brewster leads the pilgrims of the Mayflower to North America (1620). Subsequent generations of Brewsters continue to seek their vision of religious freedom. In 1761, Samuel Brewster accepts the offer of free land recently vacated by the Acadians. The wars that are our history and the manouverings of powerful men do not deter the Brewsters: they move to Baxters Harbour where they live their faith as they follow the sea.

Abuse of Power 3: Crooked Paths: 1755 to 1862

Written by
Bill Smallwood

Cover of Abuse of Power 3: Crooked Paths: 1755 to 1862
406 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 9780888872906
$19.95 CA

About the Book

   In 1755, the Halifax waterfront was rife with the evil of powerful men seeking revenge. Those men chose to act against the boy, Thomas Gray, son of William Gray, late of the governor´s staff and the ship´s company of His Majesty´s man o´war, HMS Sutherland.
   On the Indian Frontier, the Kendrick family fought well against the French and Indians during the war. During the peace, their enemies returned for their revenge.
   You might be surprised by the actions of the pirates of the Gulf of St. Lawrence, or the adventures of the masterless men of Newfoundland, because it is all here, in the third book of the Abuse of Power series, as we trace the lives of these families into the next generation.

Abuse of Power 2: the Colonials and the Acadians: 1757 to 1761

Written by
Bill Smallwood

Cover of Abuse of Power 2: the Colonials and the Acadians: 1757 to 1761
428 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 9780888872173
$19.95 CA

About the Book

   Abuse of Power 2: The Colonials and the Acadians focuses on the British capture during the Seven Years War (1756-1763), of Louisbourg and Quebec. We are introduced to General James Wolfe as a new main character, with William Gray still an active participant in the battle scenes—despite at one point facing execution by order of a Royal Navy Captain. Also present are most of the characters from Book One, so that the reader follows their adventures again in this extended narrative as they struggle for independence in their own lives.
   Book One of this series, Abuse of Power: The Acadians, deals with the struggles of the British forces to establish Imperial authority over the peoples of the Maritimes, including French civilians and military, Acadians, Indians, settlers, and some malcontents in its own ranks, in the period from 1749-1757. Lieutenant William Gray of the Royal Navy does his best to perform his duties as an officer of the crown but at the end must defend with cannon his new home against Indians.

Abuse of Power: the Acadians: 1749 to 1757

Written by
Bill Smallwood

Cover of Abuse of Power: the Acadians: 1749 to 1757
406 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 9780888871985
$19.95 CA

About the Book

Bill has used his knowledge of Noval Scotia, his military awareness, and much research, to write an extensive record—of which this book is the first of a series—of the precarious life in the early years. In Abuse of Power, set in 1749, William Gray, an officer on the staff of Governor Corwallis, is horrified by the brutality of Acadian and Mi´kmaq raids on the Dartmouth settlers. Robert Cameron, a soldier on sentry duty at the time of the second Dartmouth raid, is shaken by the callous indifference of the English officer to the plight of the settlers. At the first opportunity, he deserts to join the Acadians. During the invasion of Chignecto, the capture of Fort Beausejour, and the occupation of the Fundy by the English, each man does his best to accomplish what is expected of him under increaslingly severe circumstances. By the time of the Explusion of the Acadians, each must face his own beliefs and fears as the fighting draws to a close on the mainland of Nova Scotia.
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