The Green Gables Letters: from L.M. Montgomery to Ephraim Weber; 1905-1909
Written by Wilfrid Eggleston
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102 pages, Paperback ISBN: 9780888879349 $19.95 CA

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About the Book
An interesting sequence of letters, written by L.M. Montgomery early in the century, was found in 1956 among the papers of Ephraim Weber who was living in the West. Now lodged in the National Archives in Ottawa, the letters reproduced here exactly as they were written, form a fascinating footnote to the history of Canadian letters.
These letters are of interest and importance not only because they were written during the years of gestation and birth and outstanding success of the book Anne of Green Gables, but also because they reveal a lively extrovert in an eminently healthy balance. This is an absorbing book, for adults who have nostalgic memories of "Anne," and for writers who need encouragement in their struggle for literary recognition.
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About the Author
Wilfrid Eggleston Wilfrid Eggleston (1902-1986), the founding director of Carleton University's School of Journalism, came to Canada from Lincoln, England. Raised in Alberta, he obtained a Bachelor of Arts degree at Queen's University before becoming Ottawa correspondent for "The Toronto Star" and Reuters. He was also chief press censor during the Second World War. His works include novels, literary criticism, histories of Ottawa, nuclear energy in Canada, the National Research Council, and two memoirs.