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The Corduroy Road:
17,000 Kms, 63 Days, 4 Abba Cds, 3 Kids

Written by
Michael Palmer

Cover of The Corduroy Road
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467 pages, Paperback
ISBN: 9780888877307
$25.00 CA

This book is in stock and ships within 48 hours of receipt of order.

About the Book 17,000 kilometers, 63 days, 4 Abba CDs, 3 kids, 1 van and 0 tranquilizers. Such words elicit unimaginable fears in the minds of parents. Strangulations, padded walls, adoptions, divorce. Before the age of 22, Michael had travelled over 65,000 kilometres (the equatorial circumference of the earth is 40,075 kilometres) - much of it on the road involving countless adventures. Now in their forties, he and his wife would offer up an abundance of pent-up wanderlusting energy to the vagabonding gods on a journey across the breadth of Canada - to enjoy some family bonding, to live on the edge by courting risk and adventure through fun and spontaneity, to grab those bull horns and live freely, not knowing when or where the next meal was coming from or which town they'd fall into sideways. But life has a funny way of throwing curveballs when you least expect it. Murphy's Law 101. Or more seriously, Sod's Law - when anything can go wrong and when it does, it's the worst possible outcome. Here is their raw, uncensored journey, filled with amusements, facts, anecdotes, dangers, drama and philosophical quandaries showcasing the good, bad and ugly on the corduroy road.

back cover of The Corduroy Road
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About the Author Michael Palmer
Michael Palmer is the Canadian-born author of Dark Side of the Sun and The Leaf Cutter, well-received and much-loved books that have garnered media attention across Canada. And he loves a good adventure - he was temporarily stranded on an iceberg once, was accidentally branded an illegal alien (along with his wife and kids) in Panama and his family lived in the jungles of Central America for a year. In his other life, he´s an avid history buff who juggles finance and marketing contracts for oil and gas companies. He also has serious addictions to chocolate and The Beatles. Michael currently resides in Calgary, Alberta, with his wife and three children.

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