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A Social Departure:
How Orthodocia and I Went Round the World by Ourselves

Written by
Sara Jeannette Duncan
Edited by
Linda Quirk, Cheryl Cundell
General editor:
Gerald Lynch

Cover of A Social Departure
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556 pages,
ISBN: 9781896133638
$19.95 CA

This book is in stock and ships within 48 hours of receipt of order.

About the Book

Sara Jeannette Duncan was a well-known journalist when, in 1888, she and fellow journalist Lily Lewis did something delightfully shocking. In a significant departure from the social norms of the day, these two young, unmarried women traveled around the world, with neither a male escort nor a chaperone, and filed a series of articles about their unorthodox adventures. Their high-profile articles were popular in the United States and Canada, so it was not surprising when a British women´s magazine called The Lady´s Pictorial invited Duncan to publish a fictional version in serial form. This text was the basis of her first novel, A Social Departure, the critical and commercial success of which led immediately to a change in Duncan´s professional status. Although she would continue to write critical essays and to work as a journalist occasionally, Duncan had suddenly become a best-selling novelist of international stature. It was the beginning of a long and productive career.

This new edition provides much context by clarifying literary, historical, and culturally-specific references, and it reprints a selection of the travel articles written by Duncan and Lewis. Exploring a range of innovative topics, it offers a selection of critical essays by Denise Heaps, Peggy Martin, Eli MacLaren, Caroline Lieffers and Aya Fujiwara, and Emily J. Bruusgaard.

back cover of Social Departure, a
Click image for larger view of backcover.

About the Authors Sara Jeannette Duncan
Sara Jeannette Duncan (1861-1922), a ground-breaking journalist with "The Washington Post" and "The Toronto Globe," travelled around the world with a female friend, unthinkable for women then. In India she met her husband Everard Cotes. The Brantford, Ontario-born Duncan began producing novels, plays, essays and more, including "An American Girl in London" (1891), and her best-known work, "The Imperialist" (original 1904; edited version by Thomas E. Tausky, 1996, Tecumseh).

Gerald Lynch
Gerald Lynch (1953- ), University of Ottawa English professor, has authored numerous publications, including critiques and fiction, the latest of which is "Troutstream" (1995). Lynch, who has two degrees from the University of Waterloo and a Ph.D. from the University of Western Ontario, has written articles about George Elliott, Alice Munro, D. C. Scott, short story cycles, Canadian comedy, and Stephen Leacock, and edited "Sunshine Sketches of a Little Town: A Critical Edition" (1996, Borealis).

Linda Quirk
Linda Quirk is a librarian in Bruce Peel Special Collections at University of Alberta. Her research focuses on the first generation of Canadian women to work as professional authors, including Sara Jeannette Duncan, E. Pauline Johnson (Tekahionwake), Nellie McClung, and the Eaton sisters (Sui Sin Far and Onoto Watanna).

Cheryl Cundell
Cheryl Cundell teaches communications courses at Carleton University and works as a freelance editor. Her research focuses on exploration writing.

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