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Little Luella Ladybug Doesn't Give Up

Written by
Marie Donais Calder
Illustrated by
Jacqueline McClement

Cover of Little Luella Ladybug Doesn't Give Up
Click image for larger view of cover.

35 pages,
ISBN: 9780888877123
$14.95 CA

This book is in stock and ships within 48 hours of receipt of order.

About the Book

Little Luella Ladybug Doesn't Give Up was written by Marie Donais Calder early one morning. The storyline came to her as she was planning a unit on insects for her kindergarten class. Barely one hour later Marie was fighting for her life. She had gone into anaphylactic shock. She had to fight to survive. Several hours passed without conscious thought but when Marie was able to think again, this story flooded her mind. Like Luella, she didn't give up. Marie's recovery from this incident was painfully slow. She was not able to teach for almost a full year. When she did return to work, it was on a half time basis. She worked one day and spent the next day in bed. This went on for years. Her eyesight deteriorated and she later became blind. However, in spite of this, she went on to write more children's stories as well as 25 novels in the Other Side series, which are set in Germany immediately following World War Two. Everyone faces challenges in their lives. It's not so much the challenges we face that define us but rather how we deal with them. Luella serves to offer us hope that we can overcome almost anything if we set our minds to it. Little Luella Ladybug Doesn't Give Up reminds us that there is always a solution to our life struggles. We just have to stop and think for a while. Then we have to formulate a plan so we can work out our problems as fast as we can.

back cover of Little Luella Ladybug Doesn't Give Up
Click image for larger view of backcover.

About the Authors Marie Donais Calder
Marie Donais Calder´s parents taught her that she could do most anything she set her mind to. And she did. Though extremely near-sighted since birth, which has deteriorated to low vision, she participated in various sports, tree-climbing and any other challenges that came her way in her childhood. She earned her B.Ed. after marrying Darcy and having their three daughters, Nicole, Chantelle and Kari-Lynn. Marie and Darcy live in Estevan, Saskatchewan. They have two granddaughters, Piper and Kyenna, and one surrogate granddaughter, Lyanna.

Jacqueline McClement
Jacqueline McClement is an artist, illustrator, certified esthetician – nail artist and a Certified Master Pedicurist, NASP (North American School of Podology). Jacqueline´s nail artistry has been featured several times in Nail Magazine, Torrance California, for her winning entries in their nail art competitions. Jacqueline enjoys creating visual art of many kinds and media. in 1999 she was awarded a gallery tour by the Saskatchewan Arts Council. This tour featured her paintings along with two other artists´ works, and toured Saskatchewan galleries for the year. Her paintings can be seen in private collections, and various homes across Canada. she has also been a muralist for over 25 years and has completed more than 34 murals and stage backdrops, some of which can be seen in her home town of Estevan, Saskatchewan.

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