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Seeking Peace:
the Quakers

Written by
Heather Kirk

Cover of Seeking Peace
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271 pages,
ISBN: 9780888876799
$24.95 CA

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About the Book

Seeking Peace: The Quakers is an exploration of one of the longest and most influential non-violent resistance movements in history. For 365 years, from 1652 to 2017, the Quakers have been both pacifists and activists, expressing their unique religious beliefs through concrete actions. By opposing all forms of violence and working for peaceful change, this little group, also called Friends or Religious Society of Friends, has consistently dedicated itself to altruistic service.

Without resorting to the weapons of war, the Quakers have fought for religious tolerance, for peaceful coexistence of nations, for improvements in prisons and mental hospitals, for abolishing slavery, and more. From the "Valiant Sixty" struggling to reform the Christian church, to William Penn creating the "Holy Experiment," to Levi Coffin heading the "Underground Railroad," the Quakers have done extraordinary deeds in centuries past.

In the modern era, as a collective group, they received the 1947 Nobel Peace Prize for their relief work in war-ravaged Europe. Several individual Quakers also received the Nobel Peace Prize. And Quakers influenced the development of Amnesty International, Greenpeace, Oxfam, and the United Nations. . . . Heather Kirk takes the long and varied history and makes it easy to read. Enjoy the brief biographies, "family-tree tales," jokes, quotes, "geographies," and almost 100 illustrations.

back cover of Seeking Peace
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About the Author Heather Kirk
Heather Kirk is a Canadian author and retired college teacher. Seeking Peace: The Quakers is Kirk´:s seventh published book. It is her second book about an important non-violent resistance movement. The first was Be Not Afraid: The Polish (R)evolution, "Solidarity." (The first received excellent reviews.) Kirk´s other published books include two linked novels for young adults, Warsaw Spring and A Drop of Rain. These books are set in Canada and Poland. Kirk has also published several books about world-famous Canadian novelist, Mazo de la Roche, author of the Jalna series. For more information about Heather Kirk and her books, please see her website at

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