Smart Aging for Women: a guide to living a healthier, longer and happier life
Written by Elizabeth Rigley
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307 pages, ISBN: 9780888876713 $20.00 CA

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About the Book
Smart Aging for Women empowers readers with an approach to living that can lead to a healthier, longer and happier life. This in-depth look at the impact of lifestyle on aging will convince women that it is much easier to stay healthy than to cope with a chronic disease. This comprehensive guide will help you to:
- Understand the aging process
- Avoid the chronic diseases of aging with five key lifestyle strategies
- Navigate and survive perimenopause and menopause
- Maintain your libido and enjoy a fulfilling sex life
- Become your own health care advocate
- Learn about the latest surgical and non-surgical cosmetic procedures
Bristling with life and reasonable, actionable hope for all women, this guide shows you how to remain healthy, younger, and stronger well into your senior years. Even with a family history of chronic diseases, for the most part your fate is in your hands. How long you live is more about how you live your life each day and less about how your parents died. The eBook is available now from:
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About the Author
Elizabeth Rigley Elizabeth Rigley is a registered nurse with a Bachelor of Science in nursing from St. Francis Xavier University and a Master of Health Studies from Athabasca University. She has worked for many years in acute care hospitals as a front-line nurse and more recently as a health care manger improving quality of care for elderly parties in long-term care facilities across Canada. She is a passionate advocate for healthy living and smart aging, and has done extensive research on the impact of lifestyle on aging. She lives in Ottawa, Canada, with her husband jack, near her three sons and their families.